Birdwatch Batch #3
My first buzzard and a colourful dusk.
Duckbills 4 Life
The dumb antics of Eddy and Monty.
The Strange Lizard
Allosaurus fragilis
Prickly Pachyrhinosaurus Playing In The Snow
A wintry school doodle.
“He’ll Never Be Able To Fly”
A rage comic.
Spinosaurus Meets An Internet Teenager
Let sleeping spinosaurs lie.
Rage Comic
Birdwatch Batch #2 - Tenerife
A whalewatch batch too!
Sleepy Baby Bambiraptor
An early animation test.
Birdwatch Batch #1
Moeritherium: The Trollface of the Prehistoric
Even fossils have humour.
The Tables Are Turned
The Tyrant Lizard
Tyrannosaurus rex
Triceratops prorsus
The three-horned face in the flesh.